WDR - Die Maus - Türöffner-TagDer Türöffner-Tag - Die Sendung mit der Maus - WDR

TÜREN AUF - "Die Maus" visits KIT and opens doors

  • Date: October 2019
  • A journey into the world of particle accelerators and their applications with many exciting and "tasty" experiments to watch and participate in !

    Maus Türöffnertag am 3. Oktober 2019

    Vacuum, Waves, Atoms and Life: the Maus Türöffnertag with IPS and IBPT at KIT

    For the second year running, IPS and IBPT have contributed to the „Maus Türöffner-Tag“. This unique open day, initiated in 2011 by the „Sendung mit der Maus“, allows children to explore exciting places such as workshops, factories, and research institutes. Here they can discover what the link is between a vacuum cleaner, a telephone, a microwave and a particle accelerator and how can you do exciting science with these devices. On the 3rd of October, 40 young researchers between the ages of 5 to 12 years explored these questions together with us, amongst other things finding out how to look inside insects and crystals.

    Maus Türöffnertag am 3. Oktober 2019

    Schnell wie das Licht – Rasenden Teilchen auf der Spur! Möchtest du selbst zum Forscher werden und herausfinden, was Telefon, Staubsauger und Mikrowelle miteinander zu tun haben? Dann mach mit uns eine Reise in die Welt der Teilchenbeschleuniger, mit vielen spannenden und "schmackhaften" Experimenten zum Zuschauen und Mitmachen!

    Ort: FTU am KIT Campus Nord, Datum: 3. Oktober 2019, 10-12 und 13-15 Uhr.
    Mehr Information: Teilchenbeschleuniger Link, Schülerlabor Link, Die Seite mit der Maus: Link.
    Der Maus Türöffner-Tag am KIT bei facebook.
    Organisatoren: B. Krause, A.-S. Müller.

    Fast as light - racing particles on the track! Do you want to become a researcher yourself and find out what a phone, a vacuum cleaner and a microwave share? Then join us on a journey into the world of particle accelerators with many exciting and "tasty" experiments to watch and participate in!

    Venue: FTU at KIT Campus North, Date: 3. October 2019, 10-12 and 13-15.
    More Information: Particle Accelerator Link, Laboratory Link, The page with the Maus: Link.
    The Maus Türöffner-Tag at KIT on facebook.
    Organizers: B. Krause, A.-S. Müller.