Johannes L. Steinmann receives EPS-AG/IPAC'20 Frank Sacherer PrizePhoto: Richard Fenner, ANL

Johannes L. Steinmann receives EPS-AG/IPAC'20 Frank Sacherer Prize

  • Date: February 2020
  • The Elected Board of the European Physical Society Accelerator Group (EPS-AG) accepted the proposal of the EPS-AG/IPAC'20 Accelerator Prizes Selection Committee, under the Chairmanship of Gianluigi Arduini, CERN, to award to Johannes L. Steinmann the EPS-AG/IPAC'20 Frank Sacherer Prize.

    The Frank Sacherer Prize is awarded to an individual in the early part of his or her career, having made a recent significant, original contribution to the accelerator field.

    Dr. Steinmann received the Frank Sacherer award “for his significant contribution to the development and demonstration of ultra-fast accelerator instrumentation using THz technology, having the potential for major impact on the field of electron bunch-by-bunch diagnostics.

    The announcement can be found at Accelerator Awards - IPAC'20 and he will present his research at the IPAC'20 virtual conference.

    Johannes L. Steinmann completed his dissertation under the supervision of Prof. Dr. A.-S. Müller and Dr. E. Bründermann, proposer for the nomination of the prize. Dr. Steinmann is currently on leave from KIT IBPT and working at ANL, USA.