Technology transfer success story Superconducting magnet systems, a wiggler and an undulator (SCU) produce first light at the newest addition, the HEX beamline, to the NSLS-II (3 GeV electron storage ring at Brookhaven National Laboratory, USA) and at the new BioSAXS beamline at The Australian Synchrotron. The quality assurance was performed by mobile, KIT-built measurement systems on-site by IBPT personnel. The commercially available SCU technology has been developed by KIT IBPT and Bilfinger Noell GmbH. News: "First Light at HEX", "First Light at ANSTO BioSAXS". more |
Helmholtz President Professor Wiestler visited IBPT On November 24, 2022, together with KIT President Holger Hanselka, Otmar Wiestler, President of the Helmholtz Association, informed himself about research with and at energy-responsible accelerators. more |
State Research Prize Awarded to Anke-Susanne Müller With her team, Professor Müller is making groundbreaking contributions to making |
IBPT is part of EU project EURO-LABS IBPT is a beneficiary of the 4-year European project EURO-LABS, providing transnational access to the KIT-based accelerators, which was kicked off in October 2022. more |
Prof. Frauke Melchior visited KARA On October 21st, Professor Dr. Frauke Melchior, member of the Board of Directors at Forschungszentrum Jülich, visited KARA and FLUTE. |
Sustainable kerosene: Accelerating production on an industrial scale IKFT and its international partners develop tailor-made catalysts for the use of renewable energy sources, among others at the CAT-ACT beamline at the KIT Light Source. more |
ESK visits KARA On October 2022 the Nuclear Waste Management Commission (ESK), newly appointed by the BMUV, held its constituent meeting at KIT, at the IBPT. |
Nobel Laureate, Prof. Reinhard Genzel visited THz research at IBPT Before the award ceremony to receive the Heinrich Hertz Guest Professorship 2022 on October 5th, Nobel Laureate, Professor Dr. Reinhard Genzel, visited the research activities in the terahertz frequency region at KARA and FLUTE. more |
Türöffnertag mit IBPT und IPS Zum dritten Mal haben sich IBPT und IPS an der bundesweiten Aktion Türen auf mit der Maus am 03. Oktober aktiv mitbeteiligt und |
Afternoon Science 2022 in Triangel, designed by IBPT, IPS and TKK On July 27 and July 30, our researchers entertained and informed Karlsruhe citizens, providing insight into current research highlights and future projects. The visitors enjoyed a diverse program, with short lectures, exhibits, videos, and hands-on experiments. more |
Große Beschleunigeranlagen energieeffizient und nachhaltig gestalten Beschleuniger sind Schlüsselinstrumente der Forschung. Konzepte und Komponenten, die solche Beschleunigeranlagen künftig nicht nur leistungsfähiger, sondern zugleich möglichst energieeffizient und nachhaltig machen, erforscht das Energy Lab 2.0 und die Beschleuniger Test Facility KARA im neuen Testfeld KITTEN. Die Einweihung des Testfelds war am 21. Juli 2022 im Triangel und am IBPT. mehr |