With the following links you can produce indicators/Kennzahlen from 2017 onwards for the media tagged in the KITopen data bank with KIT_Light_Sourceindicators (short) (numbers only; export in format Excel), indicators (full) (numbers and all bibliographic entries such as media title, authors, links to journals, etc.; export  in format Excel; takes some time to produce Excel file).

Publications due to KARA-supplied synchrotron radiation in the mission KIT Light Source

Journal Articles
Impact of a RbF post-deposition treatment on the chemical structure of wide-gap CuIn₀.₁Ga₀.₉Se₂ thin-film solar cell absorber surfaces
Both, L.; Hauschild, D.; Blankenship, M.; Steininger, R.; Witte, W.; Hariskos, D.; Paetel, S.; Powalla, M.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.
2025. Applied Physics Letters, 126 (2), Article no: 021603. doi:10.1063/5.0239968
A new Archaeopteryx from the lower Tithonian Mörnsheim Formation at Mühlheim (Late Jurassic)
Foth, C.; van de Kamp, T.; Tischlinger, H.; Kantelis, T.; Carney, R. M.; Zuber, M.; Hamann, E.; Wallaard, J. J. W.; Lenz, N.; Rauhut, O. W. M.; Frey, E.
2025. Fossil Record, 28 (1), 17–43. doi:10.3897/fr.28.e131671Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Elucidation of the Off-Center Displaced Mo in Octahedral Coordination in BaMoO
Hattem, A. van; Geus, L. de; Sacristán, A.; Dankelman, R.; Couweleers, S.; Hennig, C.; Griveau, J.-C.; Colineau, E.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Pruessmann, T.; Konings, R. J. M.; Smith, A. L.
2025. Inorganic Chemistry, 64 (1), 674–681. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c03617Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Speciation-dependent molecular mechanism of electron transfer from the c -type cytochrome MtrC to U(VI)-ligand complexes
Molinas, M.; Lederballe Meibom, K.; Brown, A.; Abriata, L. A.; Prüßmann, T.; Bernier-Latmani, R.
2025. Geo-Bio Interfaces, 2, e2. doi:10.1180/gbi.2024.10
KALYPSO LGAD — a MHz repetition rate line camera based on trench isolated low gain avalanche detector
Patil, M. M.; Caselle, M.; Bründermann, E.; Chilingarayan, S.; Kopmann, A.; Niehues, G.; Steinmann, J. L.; Stankov, S.; Widmann, C.; Müller, A.-S.; Borghi, G.; Paternoster, G.; Centis Vignali, M.; Boscardin, M.
2025. Journal of Instrumentation, 20 (01), C01006. doi:10.1088/1748-0221/20/01/C01006Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Insights into Homogeneous Bulk Boron Doping at the Tetrahedral Site of NCM811 Cathode Materials: Structure Stabilization by Inductive Effect on TM ‐O‐B Bonds
Ying, B.; Teng, Z.; Senyshyn, A.; Avdeev, M.; Jonas, A.; Peng, J.; Simonsen, S. B.; Indris, S.; Dolotko, O.; Schmuch, R.; Yan, P.; Merz, M.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Ehrenberg, H.; Winter, M.; Kleiner, K.
2025. Small. doi:10.1002/smll.202409743Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
PhD Theses
Methodology for 4D X-ray microscopy and its application in material science. PhD dissertation
Hurst, M.
2024, January 23. Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT). doi:10.5445/IR/1000167056
Journal Articles
Bending and reverse bending during the fabrication of novel GaAs/(In,Ga)As/GaAs core–shell nanowires monitored by in situ x-ray diffraction
Al Hassan, A.; AlHumaidi, M.; Kalt, J.; Schneider, R.; Müller, E.; Anjum, T.; Khadiev, A.; Novikov, D. V.; Pietsch, U.; Baumbach, T.
2024. Nanotechnology, 35 (29), 295705. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/ad3fc1Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Actinyl Electronic Structure Probed by XAS: The Role of Many-Body Effects
Bagus, P. S.; Nelin, C. J.; Schacherl, B.; Vitova, T.
2024. Inorganic Chemistry, 63 (29), 13202 – 13213. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c00270
Scattered high-energy synchrotron radiation at the KARA visible-light diagnostic beamline
Batchelor, D. R.; Blomley, E.; Huttel, E.; Hagelstein, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Schuh, M.; Simon, R.
2024. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 31 (3), 590–595. doi:10.1107/S1600577524001905Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Dependence of the Structural and Magnetic Properties on the Growth Sequence in Heterostructures Designed by YbFeO and BaFeO
Bauer, S.; Nergis, B.; Jin, X.; Schneider, R.; Wang, D.; Kübel, C.; Machovec, P.; Horak, L.; Holy, V.; Seemann, K.; Baumbach, T.; Ulrich, S.
2024. Nanomaterials, 14 (8), Art.-Nr.: 711. doi:10.3390/nano14080711Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Conduction Band Cliff at the CdS/CuIn Ga Se Thin-Film Solar Cell Interface
Blankenship, M.; Hauschild, D.; Both, L.; Pyatenko, E.; Witte, W.; Hariskos, D.; Paetel, S.; Powalla, M.; Weinhardt, L.; Heske, C.
2024. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (1), 339–345. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c05079Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Evolution and functional implications of stinger shape in ants
Casadei-Ferreira, A.; Procópio Camacho, G.; van de Kamp, T.; Lattke, J. E.; Machado Feitosa, R.; Economo, E. P.
2024. Evolution, 79 (1), 80–99. doi:10.1093/evolut/qpae142Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Microstructures, phase and mechanical characterisation of Al2O3-ZrO2-TiO2 coating produced by atmospheric plasma spraying
Chang, C. S. T.; Wyss, M.; Andrzejewski, M.; Darut, G.; Graf, L.; Novak, V.; Olbinado, M.; Erpel, S.; Vogel, A.; Bode, S.; de Wild, M.; Salito, A.
2024. Open Ceramics, 20, Art.-Nr.: 100698. doi:10.1016/j.oceram.2024.100698Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Organosilicon-Based Ligand Design for High-Performance Perovskite Nanocrystal Films for Color Conversion and X-ray Imaging
Chen, J.; Jiang, G.; Hamann, E.; Mescher, H. I.; Jin, Q.; Allegro, I.; Brenner, P.; Li, Z.; Gaponik, N.; Eychmüller, A.; Lemmer, U.
2024. ACS Nano, 18 (14), 10054–10062. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c11991Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Highly loaded bimetallic iron-cobalt catalysts for hydrogen release from ammonia
Chen, S.; Jelic, J.; Rein, D.; Najafishirtari, S.; Schmidt, F.-P.; Girgsdies, F.; Kang, L.; Wandzilak, A.; Rabe, A.; Doronkin, D. E.; Wang, J.; Friedel Ortega, K.; DeBeer, S.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Schlögl, R.; Lunkenbein, T.; Studt, F.; Behrens, M.
2024. Nature Communications, 15 (1), Art.-Nr.: 871. doi:10.1038/s41467-023-44661-6Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Bite force transmission and mandible shape in grasshoppers, crickets, and allies is not driven by dietary niches
Edel, C.; Rühr, P. T.; Frenzel, M.; van de Kamp, T.; Faragó, T.; Hammel, J. U.; Wilde, F.; Blanke, A.
2024. Evolution, 78 (12), 1958–1968. doi:10.1093/evolut/qpae121Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Lattice Dynamics of Cu ZnSn(S, Se Kesterite Thin-Film Solar Cells Studied by Nuclear Inelastic Scattering
Edla, R.; Nowak, D.; Hauschild, D.; Sergueev, I.; Pareek, D.; Gütay, L.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.; Stankov, S.
2024. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (41), 17483–17491. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.4c03689
Sc, Zr, Hf, and Mn Metal Nanoparticles: Reactive Starting Materials for Synthesis Near Room Temperature
Faden, L.-P.; Reiß, A.; Popescu, R.; Donsbach, C.; Göttlicher, J.; Vitova, T.; Gerthsen, D.; Feldmann, C.
2024. Inorganic Chemistry, 63 (2), 1020–1034. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03074
Understanding and exploiting interfacial interactions between phosphonic acid functional groups and co-evaporated perovskites
Feeney, T.; Petry, J.; Torche, A.; Hauschild, D.; Hacene, B.; Wansorra, C.; Diercks, A.; Ernst, M.; Weinhardt, L.; Heske, C.; Gryn’ova, G.; Paetzold, U. W.; Fassl, P.
2024. Matter, 7 (6), 2066–2090. doi:10.1016/j.matt.2024.02.004Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Insight into the Cationic Charge Distribution in U Pu Am O Mixed Oxides
Fouquet-Métivier, P.; Medyk, L.; Lebreton, F.; Guéneau, C.; Hunault, M. O. J. Y.; Solari, P.-L.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Martin, P. M.
2024. Inorganic Chemistry, 63 (43), 20482–20491. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.4c03084
Direct Recycling at the Material Level: Unravelling Challenges and Opportunities through a Case Study on Spent Ni‐Rich Layered Oxide‐Based Cathodes
Gnutzmann, M. M.; Makvandi, A.; Ying, B.; Buchmann, J.; Lüther, M. J.; Helm, B.; Nagel, P.; Peterlechner, M.; Wilde, G.; Gomez-Martin, A.; Kleiner, K.; Winter, M.; Kasnatscheew, J.
2024. Advanced Energy Materials, Art.-Nr.: 202400840. doi:10.1002/aenm.202400840Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Highly Active Oxidation Catalysts through Confining Pd Clusters on CeO₂ Nano‐Islands
Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Gashnikova, D.; Maurer, F.; Sauter, E.; Bernart, S.; Jelic, J.; Dolcet, P.; Maliakkal, C. B.; Wang, Y.; Wöll, C.; Studt, F.; Kübel, C.; Casapu, M.
2024. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 63 (35), e202408511. doi:10.1002/anie.202408511Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Understanding the Role of Hydrogen and Oxygen in Electronic Phase Changes of Nickelates
Guasco, L.; Pons, R.; Cortie, D.; Bannenberg, L. J.; Wochner, P.; Goering, E.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Hayashida, S.; Merkle, R.; Keimer, B.; Keller, T.; Benckiser, E.
2024. Advanced Functional Materials, Article no: 2419253. doi:10.1002/adfm.202419253Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Orientation of Cobalt-Phthalocyanines on Molybdenum Disulfide: Distinguishing between Single Crystals and Small Flakes
Haizmann, P.; Juriatti, E.; Klein, M.; Greulich, K.; Nagel, P.; Merz, M.; Schuppler, S.; Ghiami, A.; Ovsyannikov, R.; Giangrisostomi, E.; Chassé, T.; Scheele, M.; Peisert, H.
2024. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 128 (5), 2107–2115. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c06707Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Fundamental structural and electronic understanding of palladium catalysts on nitride and oxide supports
Huang, J.; Klahn, M.; Tian, X.; Bartling, S.; Zimina, A.; Radtke, M.; Rockstroh, N.; Naliwajko, P.; Steinfeldt, N.; Peppel, T.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Logsdail, A. J.; Jiao, H.; Strunk, J.
2024. Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Art.Nr.: e202400174. doi:10.1002/anie.202400174
Visualisation of gene expression within the context of tissues using an X-ray computed tomography-based multimodal approach
Kairišs, K.; Sokolova, N.; Zilova, L.; Schlagheck, C.; Reinhardt, R.; Baumbach, T.; Faragó, T.; van de Kamp, T.; Wittbrodt, J.; Weinhardt, V.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Art.-Nr.: 8543. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-58766-5Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Insights into the hydrogen evolution reaction in vanadium redox flow batteries: A synchrotron radiation based X-ray imaging study
Köble, K.; Ershov, A.; Duan, K.; Schilling, M.; Rampf, A.; Cecilia, A.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Baumbach, T.; Zeis, R.
2024. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 91, 132–144. doi:10.1016/j.jechem.2023.12.010
First fossil mountain midges (Diptera, Deuterophlebiidae) and their evolutionary and ecological implication
Krzemińska, E.; Soszyńska, A.; Kania-Kłosok, I.; Skibińska, K.; Kopeć, K.; van de Kamp, T.; Zhang, Q.; Krzemiński, W.
2024. Scientific Reports, 14 (1), Article no: 24864. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-75389-yFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Tailoring superstructure units for improved oxygen redox activity in Li-rich layered oxide battery’s positive electrodes
Liu, H.; Hua, W.; Kunz, S.; Bianchini, M.; Li, H.; Peng, J.; Lin, J.; Dolotko, O.; Bergfeldt, T.; Wang, K.; Kübel, C.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Merz, M.; Ying, B.; Kleiner, K.; Mangold, S.; Wong, D.; Baran, V.; Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Indris, S.
2024. Nature Communications, 15 (1), Article no: 9981. doi:10.1038/s41467-024-54312-zFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Indirect detector for ultra-high-speed X-ray micro-imaging with increased sensitivity to near-ultraviolet scintillator emission
Lukić, B.; Rack, A.; Helfen, L.; Foster, D. J.; Ershov, A.; Welss, R.; François, S.; Rochet, X.
2024. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 31 (5). doi:10.1107/S1600577524007306
On the Atomic Structure of Monolayer VC T and the Study of Charge Storage Processes in an Acidic Electrolyte Using SPEIS and in-situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy
Mendoza-Sánchez, B.; Ladole, A. H.; Samperio-Niembro, E.; Mangold, S.; Knapp, M.; Tseng, E. N.; Persson, P. O. Å.; Douard, C.; Shuck, C. E.; Brousse, T.
2024. Energy Storage Materials, 71, 103566. doi:10.1016/j.ensm.2024.103566Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
On the secondary promotion effect of Al and Ga on Cu/ZnO methanol synthesis catalysts
Mockenhaupt, B.; Gieser, J.; Najafishirtari, S.; Baumgarten, L.; Jelic, J.; Lunkenbein, T.; Ras, E.-J.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Studt, F.; Behrens, M.
2024. Journal of Catalysis, 439, Art.-Nr.: 115785. doi:10.1016/j.jcat.2024.115785
Hydrogen Sulfide Passivation for p-Type Passivated Emitter and Rear Contact Solar Cells
Mouri, T. K.; Upadhyaya, A.; Rohatgi, A.; Ok, Y.-W.; Upadhyaya, V.; Rounsaville, B.; Hua, A.; Hauschild, D.; Weinhardt, L.; Heske, C.; Das, U. K.
2024. IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 14 (2), 211–218. doi:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2023.3338095Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Structural and Morphological Studies of Pt in the As-Grown and Encapsulated States and Dependency on Film Thickness
Nergis, B.; Bauer, S.; Jin, X.; Horak, L.; Schneider, R.; Holy, V.; Seemann, K.; Ulrich, S.; Baumbach, T.
2024. Nanomaterials, 14 (8), Art.-Nr.: 725. doi:10.3390/nano14080725Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Synergy of Ag and Pd in bimetallic catalysts for the selective oxidation of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural
Neukum, D.; Ludwig, M. E.; Uzunidis, G.; Lakshmi Nilayam, A. R.; Krause, B.; Behrens, S.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Saraçi, E.
2024. Catalysis Science & Technology. doi:10.1039/D4CY01028KFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
EntomonVR: A new virtual reality game for learning insect morphology
Pasandideh Saqalaksari, M.; Talebi, A. A.; Van de Kamp, T.; Reyhani Haghighi, S.; Zimmermann, D.; Richter, A.
2024. Journal of Insect Biodiversity and Systematics, 10 (3), 557–569. doi:10.61186/jibs.10.3.557
Understanding the Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism of the Co/Ni Free Layered Cathode Material P2–NaMnFeTiO for Sodium-Ion Batteries
Peng, J.; Sarapulova, A.; Fu, Q.; Li, H.; Liu, H.; Dolotko, O.; Bergfeldt, T.; Kleiner, K.; Ying, B.; Wu, Y.; Baran, V.; Welter, E.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Merz, M.; Knapp, M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Indris, S.
2024. Chemistry of Materials, 36 (9), 4107–4120. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.3c01552Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Laser-initiated electron and heat transport in gold-skutterudite CoSb3 bilayers resolved by pulsed x-ray scattering
Plech, A.; Gaal, P.; Schmidt, D.; Levantino, M.; Daniel, M.; Stankov, S.; Buth, G.; Albrecht, M.
2024. New Journal of Physics, 26 (10), Art.-Nr.: 103024. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ad8674Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Physical Regimes and Mechanisms of Picosecond Laser Fragmentation of Gold Nanoparticles in Water from X-ray Probing and Atomistic Simulations
Plech, A.; Tack, M.; Huang, H.; Arefev, M.; Ziefuss, A. R.; Levantino, M.; Karadas, H.; Chen, C.; Zhigilei, L. V.; Reichenberger, S.
2024. ACS Nano, 18 (15), 10527–10541. doi:10.1021/acsnano.3c12314
Stabilizing high aspect ratio x-ray gratings with top layer resist grid
Richter, M.; Beckenbach, T.; Rauch, C.; Schreiner, S.; Zuber, M.; Hamann, E.; Last, A.; Börner, M.; Korvink, J.; Meyer, P.
2024. Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, 23 (01), Art.-Nr. 14901. doi:10.1117/1.JMM.23.1.014901Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Unveiling the synergistic effects of pH and Sn content for tuning the catalytic performance of Ni^0/Ni_{x}Sn_{y} intermetallic compounds dispersed on Ce-Zr mixed oxides in the aqueous phase reforming of ethylene glycol
Rosmini, C.; Pazos Urrea, M.; Tusini, E.; Indris, S.; Kovacheva, D.; Karashanova, D.; Kolev, H.; Zimina, A.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Rønning, M.; Dimitrov, M.; Popova, M.
2024. Applied catalysis / B, 350, Art.Nr.: 123904. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2024.123904Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Unique internal anatomy of vertebrae as a key factor for neck elongation in Triassic archosauromorphs
Rytel, A.; Surmik, D.; Szczygielski, T.; Spiekman, S. N. F.; van de Kamp, T.; Zuber, M.; Scheyer, T. M.
2024. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 202 (3), zlae126. doi:10.1093/zoolinnean/zlae126Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Unravelling the effect of nitrogen on the morphological evolution of thin silver films on weakly-interacting substrates
Sarakinos, K.; Babonneau, D.; Ramade, J.; Robin, Y.; Solanki, K.; Mizohata, K.; Tuboltsev, V.; Pliatsikas, N.; Krause, B.; Abadias, G.
2024. Applied Surface Science, 649, Article no: 159209. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.159209Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Bamboo charcoal as electrode material for vanadium redox flow batteries
Schilling, M.; Ershov, A.; Debastiani, R.; Duan, K.; Köble, K.; Scherer, S.; Lan, L.; Rampf, A.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Cecilia, A.; Liu, S.; Liu, C.; Baumbach, T.; Li, J.; Sui, P.-C.; Zeis, R.
2024. Energy Advances, 3 (5), 997–1008. doi:10.1039/D4YA00166DFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Spectroscopic and theoretical investigation of Brønsted acid sites in amorphous mixed Zr-Si oxide nanoparticles
Scotti, N.; Borsacchi, S.; Monti, S.; Zimina, A.; Evangelisti, C.; Geppi, M.; Dambruoso, P.; Barcaro, G.; Bossola, F.; Dal Santo, V.; Ravasio, N.
2024. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 992, Article no: 174545. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2024.174545Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
The γ -Valerolactone (GVL) as Innoxious Reaction Media for the Synthesis of 2-Aryl-2 H -Indazoles via C-N and N-N Bond Formation under Cu(I)-Catalyzed Ligand and Base Free Conditions
Singh, L. S.; Kant, K.; Banerjee, S.; Sengupta, R.; AlObaid, A. A.; Pal, M.; Dutta, S.; Aljaar, N.; Malakar, C. C.
2024. Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds, 44 (7), 4832–4843. doi:10.1080/10406638.2023.2257846
Bimetallic platinum rhenium catalyst for efficient low temperature dehydrogenation of perhydro benzyltoluene
Strauch, D.; Weiner, P.; Sarma, B. B.; Körner, A.; Herzinger, E.; Wolf, P.; Zimina, A.; Hutzler, A.; Doronkin, D. E.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Wasserscheid, P.; Wolf, M.
2024. Catalysis Science & Technology, 14 (7), 1775–1790. doi:10.1039/D3CY01336GFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Mechanisms of air bubble rise in cement suspensions studied by X-ray analysis
Strybny, B.; Link, J.; Coenen, M.; Vidal, V.; Zuber, M.; Schack, T.; Haist, M.
2024. Construction and Building Materials, 457, Art.-Nr.: 139330. doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2024.139330Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Defensive glands in Stylotermitidae (Blattodea, Isoptera)
Thakur, H.; Agarwal, S.; Buček, A.; Hradecký, J.; Sehadová, H.; Mathur, V.; Togaev, U.; van de Kamp, T.; Hamann, E.; Liu, R.-H.; Verma, K. S.; Li, H.-F.; Sillam-Dussès, D.; Engel, M. S.; Šobotník, J.
2024. Arthropod Structure and Development, 79, Art.-Nr.: 101346. doi:10.1016/j.asd.2024.101346
One‐pot cascade reaction from epoxide to carboxylic acids using bifunctional Fe‐ZSM‐5
Treu, P.; Gonçalves, D.; Lakshmi Nilayam, A. R.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Saraçi, E.
2024. ChemCatChem, 16 (20), Art.-Nr.: 202400626. doi:10.1002/cctc.202400626
Photon-Modulated Bond Covalency of [Sm(II)(η -CH) ]
Vitova, T.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Schacherl, B.; Münzfeld, L.; Hauser, A.; Ekanayake, R. S. K.; Reitz, C. Y.; Prüßmann, T.; Neill, T. S.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Saveleva, V. A.; Haverkort, M. W.; Roesky, P. W.
2024. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 146 (30), 20577–20583. doi:10.1021/jacs.3c13934
Local and Symmetry-Resolved Electronic Structure of Liquid Dimethyl Sulfoxide from Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering
Weinhardt, L.; Hauschild, D.; Steininger, R.; Wansorra, C.; Yang, W.; Heske, C.
2024. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 15 (42), 10576–10582. doi:10.1021/acs.jpclett.4c02329
Valence-band hybridization in sulphides
Weinhardt, L.; Hauschild, D.; Wansorra, C.; Steininger, R.; Blum, M.; Yang, W.; Heske, C.
2024. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 26 (41), 26389–26397. doi:10.1039/d4cp02894eFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
U(V) Stabilization via Aliovalent Incorporation of Ln(III) into Oxo‐salt Framework
Yu, Y.; Hao, Y.; Xiao, B.; Langer, E.; Novikov, S. A.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Pidchenko, I.; Schild, D.; Albrecht-Schoenzart, T. E.; Eichel, R.-A.; Vitova, T.; Alekseev, E. V.
2024. Chemistry – A European Journal, 30 (40), Art.-Nr.: e202401033. doi:10.1002/chem.202401033Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Phase contrast micro-CT with adjustable in-slice spatial resolution at constant magnification
Zekavat, A. R.; Lioliou, G.; Roche i Morgó, O.; Maughan Jones, C.; Galea, G.; Maniou, E.; Doherty, A.; Endrizzi, M.; Astolfo, A.; Olivo, A.; Hagen, C.
2024. Physics in Medicine & Biology, 69 (10), Art.-Nr.: 105017. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ad4000Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Conference Papers
Solid-state reactions at the metal-semiconductor interface
Krause, B.; Abadias, G.; Babonneau, D.; Michel, A.; Resta, A.; Coati, A.; Garreau, Y.; Vlad, A.; Plech, A.; Wochner, P.; Baumbach, T.
2024. Highlights de SOLEIL 2023, 50–51, Synchrotron Soleil Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Diffusion of Np through Illite du Puy
Joseph, C.; Schacherl, B.; Vitova, T.; Lavrova, P.; Hennig, T.; Kühn, M.
2024, November 25. 9th International Clay Conference (2024), Hanover, Germany, November 25–28, 2024 
Counting 5f electrons in actinide compounds
Kaufmann-Heimeshoff, H.; Schacherl, B.; Tagliavini, M.; Göttlicher, J.; Mazzanti, M.; Popa, K.; Walter, O.; Prüßmann, T.; Vollmer, C.; Beck, A.; Ekanayake, R. S. K.; Branson, J. A.; Neill, T.; Reitz, C. Y.; Schild, D.; Brager, D.; Cahill, C.; Windorff, C.; Sittel, T.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Haverkort, M.; VItova, T.
2024, October 7. ATAS-AnXAS 2024 - 2nd Joint Workshop - 6th International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy - 10th International Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Faculties for Radioactive Material at Synchrotron Light Sources (ATAS-AnXAS 2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 7–11, 2024 
A practical computational tool for actinide coordination chemistry (LFDFT): study of M4,5-edge core-to-core and valence-band resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Ramanantoanina, H.; Celis-Barros, C.; Vitova, T.
2024, October 7. ATAS-AnXAS 2024 - 2nd Joint Workshop - 6th International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy - 10th International Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Faculties for Radioactive Material at Synchrotron Light Sources (ATAS-AnXAS 2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 7–11, 2024 
Development and Application of a Microfluidic Set-Up for In-Situ Studies of Formation Kinetics of La- and U-Complexes Using High Resolution Spectroscopic Methods
Reynolds, E.; Ekanayake, R. S. K.; Kim, C.; Gaona, X.; Kaufmann-Heimeshoff, H.; Steininger, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Prüßmann, T.; Benešová-Schäfer, M.; Geckeis, H.; Schacherl, B.; Vitova, T.
2024, October 7. ATAS-AnXAS 2024 - 2nd Joint Workshop - 6th International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy - 10th International Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Faculties for Radioactive Material at Synchrotron Light Sources (ATAS-AnXAS 2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 7–11, 2024 
Development and Application of a Microfluidic Set-Up for In-Situ Studies of Formation Kinetics of La- and U-Complexes Using High Resolution Spectroscopic Methods
Reynolds, E.; Ekanayake, R. S. K.; Kim, C.; Gaona, X.; Kaufmann-Heimeshoff, H.; Steininger, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Prüßmann, T.; Benešová-Schäfer, M.; Geckeis, H.; Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.
2024, November 5. GdCh Fachtagung Nuklearchemie (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 5–7, 2024 
Counting the 5f electrons of the actinides
Vitova, T.
2024, December 1. Materials Research Society: MRS Fall-Meeting and Exhibit (2024), Boston, MA, USA, December 1–6, 2024 
High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of Actinides at the KIT Light Source
Vitova, T.; Blankenship, M.; Dardenne, K.; Ekanayake, R. S. K.; Geckeis, H.; Göttlicher, J.; Hauschild, D.; Schacherl, B.; Steininger, R.; Wansorra, C.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.
2024, August 26. 15th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation (SRI 2024), Hamburg, Germany, August 26–30, 2024 
Towards New Spectroscopic Tools for Detection of Bonding Properties in Radiopharmaceuticals: Application on La Used as a Homolog of Ac
Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Kovács, A.; Benesova, M.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Haverkort, M.; Geckeis, H.
2024, November 6. GdCh Fachtagung Nuklearchemie (2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, November 5–7, 2024 
Probing Bonding Properties of Pu by High Resolution X-ray Spectroscopy and Computations
Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.; Tagliavini, M.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Kaufmann-Heimeshoff, H.; Fellhauer, D.; Prüßmann, T.; Popa, K.; Walter, O.; Haverkort, M.; Autschbach, J.; Bagus, P.
2024, September 8. Plutonium Futures - The Science (2024), Charleston, SC, USA, September 8–12, 2024 
Real-time tracking of oxidation states of nano particulate UO2 electrode using HR-XANES at Uranium M4 edge and a microfluidic technique
Vitova, T.; Yao, J.; Schacherl, B.; McNamara, B.; Ilton, E.; Heo, J.; Vollmer, C.; Schenk, S.; Tripathi, S.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Buck, E.
2024, December 1. Materials Research Society: MRS Fall-Meeting and Exhibit (2024), Boston, MA, USA, December 1–6, 2024 
Probing actinide bonding properties by computations and advanced X-ray spectroscopy
Zhang, X.; Vollmer, C.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Schreckenbach, G.; Haverkort, M.; Vitova, T.
2024, June 4. Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CSC 2024), Winnipeg, Canada, June 2–6, 2024 
Investigation of thorium-based generator concepts – improvements, labeling and speciation
Maurer, K.; Schacherl, B.; Schäfer, M.; Remde, Y.; Taş, H.; Geyer, F.; Fried, A.; Happel, S.; Benešová-Schäfer, M.; Vitova, T.; Geckeis, H.
2024, October 7. ATAS-AnXAS 2024 - 2nd Joint Workshop - 6th International Workshop on Advanced Techniques in Actinide Spectroscopy - 10th International Workshop on Speciation, Techniques and Faculties for Radioactive Material at Synchrotron Light Sources (ATAS-AnXAS 2024), Karlsruhe, Germany, October 7–11, 2024 
Research Data
Raw data: Synergy of Ag and Pd in bimetallic catalysts for the selective oxidation of 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural
Neukum, D.; Ludwig, M. E.; Uzunidis, G.; Lakshmi Nilayam, A. R.; Krause, B.; Behrens, S.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Saraçi, E.
2024, September 24. doi:10.35097/zgsgqvm54xhvjdg8
Book Chapters
Self-organization properties of low band gap polymers: Influence of the side chain structure
Bölke, S.; Batchelor, D. R.; Früh, A.; Lassalle-Kaiser, B.; Keller, T.; Trilling, F.; Forster, M.; Scherf, U.; Chassé, T.; Peisert, H.
2023. SOLEIL Highlights 2022, 90–91, Synchrotron Soleil 
Finding the best efficiency for laser machining of gold colloids
Plech, A.; Ziefuss, A. R.; Levantino, M.; Streubel, R.; Reich, S.; Reichenberger, S.
2023. ESRF Highlights 2022.: Hrsg. A. Joly, ESRF - European Synchrotron Radiation Facility Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Journal Articles
Strategies towards the Synthesis of 2‐Ketoaryl Azole Derivatives using C‐H Functionalization Approach and 1,2‐Bis‐Nucleophile Precursors
Aljaar, N.; Ibrahim, M. M.; Younes, E. A.; Al-Noaimi, M.; Abu-Safieh, K. A.; Ali, B. F.; Kant, K.; Al-Zaqri, N.; Sengupta, R.; Malakar, C. C.
2023. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 12 (4). doi:10.1002/ajoc.202300036
Phosphorus adsorption on iron‐coated sand under reducing conditions
Barcala, V.; Jansen, S.; Gerritse, J.; Mangold, S.; Voegelin, A.; Behrends, T.
2023. Journal of Environmental Quality, 52 (1), 74–87. doi:10.1002/jeq2.20432Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Effect of Underlayer Quality on Microstructure, Stoichiometry, and Magnetic Properties of Hexaferrite BaFe₁₂O₁₉ Grown on YSZ(111) by Pulsed Laser Deposition
Bauer, S.; Nergis, B.; Jin, X.; Schneider, R.; Wang, D.; Kübel, C.; Holy, V.; Horak, L.; Seemann, K.; Ulrich, S.; Baumbach, T.
2023. Langmuir, 39 (40), 14308–14327. doi:10.1021/acs.langmuir.3c01618
Effect of carbon content on electronic structure of uranium carbides
Butorin, S. M.; Bauters, S.; Amidani, L.; Beck, A.; Rossberg, A.; Weiss, S.; Vitova, T.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Tougait, O.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art-Nr.: 20434. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-47579-7Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Electronic Structure of Chalcopyrite Surfaces for Photoelectrochemical Hydrogen Production
Carter, J. C.; Hauschild, D.; Weinhardt, L.; Horsley, K.; Hariskos, D.; Gaillard, N.; Heske, C.
2023. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127 (17), 8235–8246. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c09063
Observation of Exchange Interaction in Iron(II) Spin Crossover Molecules in Contact with Passivated Ferromagnetic Surface of Co/Au(111)
Chen, H.; Yang, H.-H.; Frauhammer, T.; You, H.; Sun, Q.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Gaspar, A. B.; Real, J. A.; Wulfhekel, W.
2023. Small, 19 (22), Art.-Nr.: 2300251. doi:10.1002/smll.202300251Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Characterization of Systemic Disease Development and Paw Inflammation in a Susceptible Mouse Model of Mayaro Virus Infection and Validation Using X-ray Synchrotron Microtomography
de Carvalho, A. C.; Dias, C. S. B.; Coimbra, L. D.; Rocha, R. P. F.; Borin, A.; Fontoura, M. A.; Carvalho, M.; Proost, P.; Nogueira, M. L.; Consonni, S. R.; Sesti-Costa, R.; Marques, R. E.
2023. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24 (5), Art.-Nr.: 4799. doi:10.3390/ijms24054799Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Technetium Complexation with Multidentate Carboxylate-Containing Ligands: Trends in Redox and Solubility Phenomena
DiBlasi, N. A.; Dardenne, K.; Prüssmann, T.; Duckworth, S.; Altmaier, M.; Gaona, X.
2023. Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (9), 3661–3670. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c09360Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
PdCl(NO) – an iconic compound with corrugated PdCl octagons built up by PdCl(NO) moieties
Evers, J.; Klapötke, T. M.; Beck, W.; Völkl, M. B. R.; Oehlinger, G.; Köppe, R.; Zimina, A.; Wolf, S.
2023. Zeitschrift für anorganische und allgemeine Chemie, 649 (6-7). doi:10.1002/zaac.202200337Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Stainless steel corrosion under anoxic, highly saline and elevated temperature conditions
Finck, N.; Morelová, N.; Schlegel, M. L.; Schild, D.; Reguer, S.; Dardenne, K.; Geckeis, H.
2023. Safety of Nuclear Waste Disposal, 2, 39–40. doi:10.5194/sand-2-39-2023Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Investigation of the solid/liquid phase transitions in the U–Pu–O system
Fouquet-Métivier, P.; Martin, P. M.; Manara, D.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Fossati, P. C. M.; Guéneau, C.
2023. Calphad, 80, 102523. doi:10.1016/j.calphad.2022.102523Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Stoichiometry matters: correlation between antisite defects, microstructure and magnetic behavior in the cathode material Li 1− z Ni 1+ z O 2
Goonetilleke, D.; Schwarz, B.; Li, H.; Fauth, F.; Suard, E.; Mangold, S.; Indris, S.; Brezesinski, T.; Bianchini, M.; Weber, D.
2023. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 11 (25), 13468–13482. doi:10.1039/d3ta01621hFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Efficient diameter enlargement of bulk AlN single crystals with high structural quality
Hartmann, C.; Kabukcuoglu, M. P.; Richter, C.; Klump, A.; Schulz, D.; Juda, U.; Bickermann, M.; Hänschke, D.; Schröder, T.; Straubinger, T.
2023. Applied Physics Express, 16 (7), Art.-Nr.: 075502. doi:10.35848/1882-0786/ace60eFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Structural Studies and Thermal Analysis in the Cs 2 MoO 4 –PbMoO 4 System with Elucidation of β-Cs 2 Pb(MoO 4 ) 2
Hattem, A. van; Vlieland, J.; Dankelman, R.; Thijs, M. A.; Wallez, G.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Konings, R. J. M.; Smith, A. L.
2023. Inorganic Chemistry, 62 (18), 6981–6992. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c00241Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Chemical and Electronic Structure at the Interface between a Sputter‐Deposited Zn(O,S) Buffer and a Cu(In,Ga)(S,Se)₂ Solar Cell Absorber
Hauschild, D.; Blankenship, M.; Hua, A.; Steininger, R.; Eraerds, P.; Niesen, T.; Dalibor, T.; Yang, W.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.
2023. Solar RRL, 7 (11), Art.-Nr.: 2201091. doi:10.1002/solr.202201091Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Artificial Intelligence in Entomology
Heethoff, M.; van de Kamp, T.
2023. Entomologie heute 
Biocatalytic Foams from Microdroplet‐Formulated Self‐Assembling Enzymes
Hertel, J. S.; Bitterwolf, P.; Kröll, S.; Winterhalter, A.; Weber, A. J.; Grösche, M.; Walkowsky, L. B.; Heißler, S.; Schwotzer, M.; Wöll, C.; van de Kamp, T.; Zuber, M.; Baumbach, T.; Rabe, K. S.; Niemeyer, C. M.
2023. Advanced Materials, 35 (39), Art.Nr.: 2303952. doi:10.1002/adma.202303952Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Mechanisms Governing 90Sr Removal and Remobilisation in a VLLW Surface Disposal Concept
Ho, M. S.; Vettese, G. F.; Keto, P. H.; Lamminmäki, S. P.; Vikman, M.; Myllykylä, E.; Dardenne, K.; Law, G. T. W.
2023. Minerals, 13 (3), 436. doi:10.3390/min13030436Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Hierarchically guided in situ nanolaminography for the visualisation of damage nucleation in alloy sheets
Hurst, M.; Helfen, L.; Morgeneyer, T. F.; Suhonen, H.; Buljac, A.; Hild, F.; Suuronen, J.-P.; Baumbach, T.; Hänschke, D.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 1055. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-27035-8Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
‘Stab, chase me, mate with me, seduce me’: how widespread is traumatic insemination in Strepsiptera?
Jandausch, K.; van de Kamp, T.; Beutel, R. G.; Niehuis, O.; Pohl, H.
2023. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 140 (2), 206 – 223. doi:10.1093/biolinnean/blad046
Can Zn isotopes in sediments record past eutrophication of freshwater lakes? A pilot study at Lake Baldegg (Switzerland)
Juillot, F.; Noël, V.; Louvat, P.; Gelabert, A.; Jouvin, D.; Göttlicher, J.; Belin, S.; Müller, B.; Morin, G.; Voegelin, A.
2023. Chemical Geology, 620, Artkl.Nr.: 121321. doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121321
Electronic structure of (=Y, La, Bi): Synthesis, characterization, core-level spectroscopies, high-pressure application, and ab initio calculation
Kato, Y.; Huang, M.-J.; Kasebayashi, K.; Kawakami, T.; Yamaguchi, T.; Buck, J.; Wang, R.-P.; Kalläne, M.; Rossnagel, K.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Takahashi, Y.; Odake, T.; Kawaguchi, S.; Yamada, I.; Hariki, A.
2023. Physical Review Materials, 7 (7), Art.-Nr.: 073401. doi:10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.7.073401Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Simulated biomechanical performance of morphologically disparate ant mandibles under bite loading
Klunk, C. L.; Argenta, M. A.; Rosumek, F. B.; Schmelzle, S.; van de Kamp, T.; Hammel, J. U.; Pie, M. R.; Heethoff, M.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 16833. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-43944-8Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
In Situ Study of the Interface-Mediated Solid-State Reactions during Growth and Postgrowth Annealing of Pd/a-Ge Bilayers
Krause, B.; Abadias, G.; Babonneau, D.; Michel, A.; Resta, A.; Coati, A.; Garreau, Y.; Vlad, A.; Plech, A.; Wochner, P.; Baumbach, T.
2023. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15 (8), 11268–11280. doi:10.1021/acsami.2c20600Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Mechanisms of thixotropy in cement suspensions considering influences from shear history and hydration
Link, J.; Strybny, B.; Divoux, T.; Sowoidnich, T.; Coenen, M.; Gstöhl, S.; Schlepütz, C. M.; Zuber, M.; Hellmann, S.; Rößler, C.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Heberling, F.; Manneville, S.; Schäfer, T.; Ludwig, H.-M.; Haist, M.
2023. ce/papers, 6 (6), 698–704. doi:10.1002/cepa.2810Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Phosphate burial in aquatic sediments: Rates and mechanisms of vivianite formation from mackinawite
Ma, M.; Overvest, P.; Hijlkema, A.; Mangold, S.; McCammon, C.; Voegelin, A.; Behrends, T.
2023. Chemical Engineering Journal Advances, 16, Art.-Nr.: 100565. doi:10.1016/j.ceja.2023.100565Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Origami-inspired perovskite X-ray detector by printing and folding
Mescher, H.; Schackmar, F.; Huber, R.; Eggers, H.; Zuber, M.; Hamann, E.; Gramlich, G.; Dangelmaier, J.; Zhang, Q.; Rösch, A. G.; Zwick, T.; Hernandez-Sosa, G.; Paetzold, U. W.; Lemmer, U.
2023. npj Flexible Electronics, 7 (1), Article no: 9. doi:10.1038/s41528-023-00240-9Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Formation and transformation of Fe(III)- and Ca-precipitates in aqueous solutions and effects on phosphate retention over time
Nenonen, V. V.; Kaegi, R.; Hug, S. J.; Göttlicher, J.; Mangold, S.; Winkel, L. H. E.; Voegelin, A.
2023. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 360, 207–230. doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.09.004Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Vibrational spectroscopy methods for investigation of the animal models of glioblastoma multiforme
Olbrich, K.; Setkowicz, Z.; Kawon, K.; Czyzycki, M.; Janik-Olchawa, N.; Carlomagno, I.; Aquilanti, G.; Chwiej, J.
2023. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 303, Art.Nr.: 123230. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2023.123230
Secondary uranyl arsenates-phosphates and Sb-Bi-rich minerals of the segnitite-philipsbornite series in the oxidation zone at the Prakovce-Zimná Voda REE-U-Au quartz vein mineralization, Western Carpathians, Slovakia
Ondrejka, M.; Ferenc, Š.; Majzlan, J.; Števko, M.; Kopáčik, R.; Voleková, B.; Milovská, S.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Mikuš, T.; Uher, P.; Biroň, A.; Sejkora, J.; Molnárová, A.
2023. Mineralogical Magazine, 87 (6), 849–865. doi:10.1180/mgm.2023.75
Roles of Alkali Metals tert ‐Butoxide as Catalysts and Activators in Organic Transformations
Patel, C. K.; Banerjee, S.; Kant, K.; Sengupta, R.; Aljaar, N.; Malakar, C. C.
2023. Asian Journal of Organic Chemistry, 12 (8), e202300311. doi:10.1002/ajoc.202300311
Retention of Iodide by Chloride Green Rust and Magnetite
Platte, T.; Finck, N.; Heberling, F.; Polly, R.; Prüßmann, T.; Dardenne, K.; Geckeis, H.
2023. Environmental Science & Technology, 57 (25), 9119–9426. doi:10.1021/acs.est.3c02041Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Rb Diffusion and Oxide Removal at the RbF-Treated Ga₂O₃/Cu(In,Ga)Se₂ Interface in Thin-Film Solar Cells
Pyatenko, E.; Hauschild, D.; Mikhnych, V.; Edla, R.; Steininger, R.; Hariskos, D.; Witte, W.; Powalla, M.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.
2023. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 15 (45), 53113–53121. doi:10.1021/acsami.3c11165
Understanding the Degradation of LaSrFeO (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) Perovskite Oxides during the Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Alkaline Solution
Qing, G.; Thompson, D.; Heske, C.; F. Greenlee, L.; Chen, J.
2023. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 170 (10), Art.-Nr.: 106505. doi:10.1149/1945-7111/ad02c4
Combined X-ray absorption and SEM–EDX spectroscopic analysis for the speciation of thorium in soil
Ratnayake, S.; Lützenkirchen, J.; Finck, N.; Schild, D.; Heberling, F.; Gil-Díaz, T.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Geckeis, H.
2023. Scientific Reports, 13 (1), Article no: 5877. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-32718-xFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Dislocation arrangements in 4H-SiC and their influence on the local crystal lattice properties
Roder, M.; Steiner, J.; Wellmann, P.; Kabukcuoglu, M.; Hamann, E.; Haaga, S.; Hänschke, D.; Danilewsky, A.
2023. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 56 (3), 776–786. doi:10.1107/S1600576723003291
Correction to “Tracking and Understanding Dynamics of Atoms and Clusters of Late Transition Metals with In-Situ DRIFT and XAS Spectroscopy Assisted by DFT”
Sarma, B. B.; Jelic, J.; Neukum, D.; Doronkin, D. E.; Huang, X.; Bernart, S.; Studt, F.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.
2023. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 127 (23), Art.-Nr.: 11419. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c03075Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Np(V) Retention at the Illite du Puy Surface
Schacherl, B.; Joseph, C.; Beck, A.; Lavrova, P.; Schnurr, A.; Dardenne, K.; Geyer, F.; Cherkezova-Zheleva, Z.; Göttlicher, J.; Geckeis, H.; Vitova, T.
2023. Environmental Science and Technology, 57 (30), 11185–11194. doi:10.1021/acs.est.2c09356Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Small angle X-ray scattering of particle growth and structure in spray flame synthesis
Simmler, M.; Buchheiser, S.; Tischendorf, R.; Poostforooshan, J.; Weber, A. P.; Schmid, H.-J.; Nirschl, H.
2023. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 15, Art.-Nr.: 100183. doi:10.1016/j.jaecs.2023.100183Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Dose-efficient in vivo X-ray phase contrast imaging at micrometer resolution by Bragg magnifiers
Spiecker, R.; Pfeiffer, P.; Biswal, A.; Shcherbinin, M.; Spiecker, M.; Hessdorfer, H.; Hurst, M.; Zharov, Y.; Bellucci, V.; Faragó, T.; Zuber, M.; Herz, A.; Cecilia, A.; Czyzycki, M.; Dias, C. S. B.; Novikov, D.; Krogmann, L.; Hamann, E.; van de Kamp, T.; Baumbach, T.
2023. Optica, 10 (12), 1633. doi:10.1364/OPTICA.500978
Dislocation Climb in AlN Crystals Grown at Low-Temperature Gradients Revealed by 3D X-ray Diffraction Imaging
Straubinger, T.; Hartmann, C.; Kabukcuoglu, M. P.; Albrecht, M.; Bickermann, M.; Klump, A.; Bode, S.; Hamann, E.; Haaga, S.; Hurst, M.; Schröder, T.; Hänschke, D.; Richter, C.
2023. Crystal Growth and Design, 23 (3), 1538–1546. doi:10.1021/acs.cgd.2c01131
Enamel remineralization potential of bioactive glass air abrasion studied via elemental and surface morphology analysis
Subramani, K.; Kwok, C.; Napoles, J. A.; Ren, M.; Hua, A.; Heske, C.
2023. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 15 (10), e835 – e841. doi:10.4317/jced.60980
A combined X-ray fluorescence and infrared microspectroscopy study for new insights into elemental-biomolecular obesity-induced changes in rat brain structures
Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, M.; Piana, K.; Surowka, A. D.; Czyzycki, M.; Wrobel, P.; Szymkowski, M.; Ziomber-Lisiak, A.
2023. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 293, 122478. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2023.122478
The applicability of Fourier transform infrared microspectroscopy for correction against matrix effects in X-ray fluorescence microimaging of tissues
Szczerbowska-Boruchowska, M.; Stec, P.; Czyzycki, M.; Szczerbowski, Z.; Simon, R.; Baumbach, T.; Ziomber-Lisiak, A.
2023. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 293, Artkl.Nr.: 122468. doi:10.1016/j.saa.2023.122468
‘Social glands’ in parasitoids? – convergent evolution of metapleural glands in Hymenoptera
Ulmer, J. M.; Mikó, I.; Richter, A.; Helms, A.; van de Kamp, T.; Krogmann, L.
2023. (A. Blanke, Ed.) Insect Systematics and Diversity, 7 (2). doi:10.1093/isd/ixad006
Synthesis, Characterization, and Stability of Two Americium Vanadates, AmVO₃ and AmVO₄
Vigier, J.-F.; Wiss, T.; Palina, N.; Vitova, T.; Colle, J.-Y.; Bouëxière, D.; Freis, D.; Konings, R. J. M.; Popa, K.
2023. Inorganic Chemistry, 62 (24), 9350–9359. doi:10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c00251Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Satellite-Dominated Sulfur L X-ray Emission of Alkaline Earth Metal Sulfides
Weinhardt, L.; Hauschild, D.; Fuchs, O.; Steininger, R.; Jiang, N.; Blum, M.; Denlinger, J. D.; Yang, W.; Umbach, E.; Heske, C.
2023. ACS Omega, 8 (5), 4921–4927. doi:10.1021/acsomega.2c07228Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Monitoring the Formation of Nickel-Poor and Nickel-Rich Oxide Cathode Materials for Lithium-Ion Batteries with Synchrotron Radiation
Ying, B.; Fitzpatrick, J. R.; Teng, Z.; Chen, T.; Lo, T. W. B.; Siozios, V.; Murray, C. A.; Brand, H. E. A.; Day, S.; Tang, C. C.; Weatherup, R. S.; Merz, M.; Nagel, P.; Schuppler, S.; Winter, M.; Kleiner, K.
2023. Chemistry of Materials, 35 (4), 1514–1526. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c02639Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Shot noise reduction in radiographic and tomographic multi-channel imaging with self-supervised deep learning
Zharov, Y.; Ametova, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Burca, G.; Heuveline, V.
2023. Optics Express, 31 (16), 26226 – 26244. doi:10.1364/OE.492221
Conference Papers
In situ and real-time studies of ultrathin silver films grown by physical vapor deposition: The role of nitrogen additive
Babonneau, D.; Abadias, G.; Solanki, K.; Michel, A.; Ramade, J.; Camelio, S.; Resta, A.; Vlad, A.; Coati, A.; Garreau, Y.; Sarakinos, K.; Kamiński, M.; Krause, B.
2023. META 2023 Paris - France: The 13th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics. Ed.: Philippe Lalanne, Said Zouhdi, 180 – 181, META Conference 
A Knowledge Distillation Framework for Multi-Organ Segmentation of Medaka Fish in Tomographic Image
Bhatt, J.; Zharov, Y.; Suh, S.; Baumbach, T.; Heuveline, V.; Lukowicz, P.
2023. IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 5 S., Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/ISBI53787.2023.10230689
All-inorganic Cs2AgBiBr6 double perovskite single crystals for radiation detectors
Fiederle, M.; Sahsuvar, S.; Hillebrecht, H.; Daub, M.; Schwänzle, C.
2023. N. J. Cherepy, M. Fiederle & R. B. James (Eds.), Hard X-Ray, Gamma-Ray, and Neutron Detector Physics XXV. Ed.: N. Cherepy, 3, SPIE. doi:10.1117/12.2679710
Low-latency Visual Previews of Large Synchrotron Micro-CT Datasets
Tan Jerome, N.; Chilingaryan, S.; Kamp, T. Van de; Kopmann, A.
2023. Proceedings : 2023 IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2023. Ed.: J. He, 1513–1518, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). doi:10.1109/BigData59044.2023.10386508
The An(III)-An(IV)-H2O(l) system: solid phase, interface and aquatic chemistry
Gaona, X.; Tasi, A.; Kiefer, C.; Neill, T.; Cevirim-Papaioannou, N.; Fellhauer, D.; Polly, R.; Androniuk, I.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Vitova, T.; Altmaier, M.; Geckeis, H.
2023, March 1. 2nd International Workshop on Theory Frontiers in Actinide Science: Chemistry & Materials (2023), Santa Fe, NM, USA, February 26–March 1, 2023 
Automated 3D-modeling of small invertebrates
Klug, N.; Wührl, L.; Rotmann, K.; van de Kamp, T.; Meier, R.; Pylatiuk, C.
2023, October 16. 12. European Congress of Entomology (ECE 2023), Heraklion, Greece, October 16–20, 2023 
Spectroscopy analysis of mixed actinide oxides by an An M4,5 edge high energy resolution XANES (HR-XANES) in bulk- and nano-materials
Palina, N.; Vigier, J.-F.; Walter, O.; Konings, R. J. M.; Popa, K.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Prüßmann, T.; Vitova, T.
2023, March 21. AcE Methods Workshop (2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–22, 2023 
Nanometric scale mixed oxides of plutonium and americium. Synthesis, properties and reactivity
Popa, K.; Vigier, J.-F.; Blanco, O. D.; Walter, O.; Palina, N.; Beck, A.; Vitova, T.; Freis, D.; Konings, R. J. M.
2023, June 6. Actinides 2023 – The Actinides 2023 International Conference (2023), Golden, CO, USA, June 5–8, 2023 
X-Ray Absorption and Emission Spectroscopy of Actinide Materials: Electronic Structure Questions from the Experimental Viewpoint
Schacherl, B.
2023, November 7. 69th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition Overview (2023), Portland, OR, USA, November 5–10, 2023 
Low-latency Visual Previews of Large Synchrotron Micro-CT Datasets
Tan Jerome, N.; Chilingaryan, S.; Kamp, T. Van de; Kopmann, A.
2023, December 17. IEEE International Conference on Big Data (IEEE BigData 2023), Sorrento, Italy, December 15–18, 2023 
Developments of high resolution X-ray spectroscopic tools for probing structural properties of actinides system from the metal and ligand perspective
Vitova, T.
2023, November 9. 69th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition Overview (2023), Portland, OR, USA, November 5–10, 2023 
Relations between bonding properties and stability for U and Am materials probed by RIXS
Vitova, T.
2023, June 7. Actinides 2023 – The Actinides 2023 International Conference (2023), Golden, CO, USA, June 5–8, 2023 
Probing Sm(II) and U(V) bonding properties by high resolution X-ray spectroscopy
Vitova, T.
2023, August 23. 11th International Conference on F-Elements (2023), Strasbourg, France, August 22–26, 2023 
Towards New Spectroscopic Tools for Detection of Bonding Properties in Radiopharmaceuticals: Application on La Used as a Homolog of Ac
Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.; Ramanantoanina, H.; Benesova, M.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Haverkort, M.; Kovac, A.
2023, November 7. 69th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition Overview (2023), Portland, OR, USA, November 5–10, 2023 
Bonding Properties of Uranium Carbonate Species in Liquid and Solid State in Multiple Oxidation States Studied by u M4-Edge High Resolution X-Ray Spectroscopy
Vollmer, C.; Kaufmann, H.; Neill, T.; Schacherl, B.; Prüssmann, T.; Vitova, T.
2023, March 21. AcE Methods Workshop (2023), Dresden, Germany, March 20–22, 2023 
First real-time tracking of oxidation states during fast redox of UO using a microfluidic electrochemical cell and HR-XANES
Yao, J.; Schacherl, B.; McNamara, B.; Vollmer, C.; Lahiri, N.; Ilton, E.; Buck, E.; Vitova, T.
2023, November 9. 69th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition Overview (2023), Portland, OR, USA, November 5–10, 2023 
Evaluation of Covalent Bonding In Ionic Compounds
Bagus, P. S.; Nelin, C.; Vitova, T.; Schacherl, B.
2023, November 7. 69th AVS International Symposium & Exhibition Overview (2023), Portland, OR, USA, November 5–10, 2023 
High pressure and long-term operando studies for production of sustainable fuels & chemicals: Bridging industry and synchrotron
Elbuga-Ilica, R.; Zimina, A.; Serrer, M.; Saraçi, E.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.
2023, March 15. 56. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (2023), Weimar, Germany, March 15–17, 2023 
Rate enhancing effect of carbon support properties on Pt-catalyzed base-free HMF oxidation
Neukum, D.; Saraci, E.; Krause, B.; Sinigalia, A.; Nilayam, A. R., Lakshmi; Grundwaldt, J.-D.
2023, March 16. 56. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (2023), Weimar, Germany, March 15–17, 2023 
Toward understanding 225Ac3+ radionuclide bonding properties within radiopharmaceuticals: the study of La3+ homologues
Schacherl, B.; Kovács, A.; Schäfer, M.; Massov, P.-V. von; Ramanantoanina, H.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Geckeis, H.; Haverkort, M.; Benesova, M.; Vitova, T.
2023, April 20. International Symposium on Trends in Radiopharmaceuticals (ISTR 2023), Vienna, Austria, April 17–21, 2023 
Green methanol from renewable feeds : Towards scalable catalyst synthesis and improved stability
Warmuth, L.
2023, March 15. 56. Jahrestreffen Deutscher Katalytiker (2023), Weimar, Germany, March 15–17, 2023 
Journal Articles
HESEB: The Helmholtz state-of-the-art Soft-X-Ray Undulator beamline at SESAME
Abbadi, A.; Attal, M.; Bahrdt, J.; Drube, W.; Eberhardt, W.; Martin Esser, F.; Follath, R.; Froideval, A.; Fatih Genisel, M.; Groetsch, D.; Rahman Hasoneh, A.; Huck, M.; Huttel, E.; Kanngießer, B.; Knaack, S.; Krueger, O.; Lausi, A.; Lehner, F.; Lörgen, M.; Meseck, A.; Momani, Y.; Al Najdawi, M.; Natour, G.; Paolucci, G.; Rial, E.; Roschka, M.; Scheer, M.; Schramm, B.; Schuppler, S.; Shehab, M.; Siewert, F.; Tiemann, C.; Weissig, A.
2022. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2380 (1), 012036. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012036Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
In-situ X-ray analysis of misfit strain and curvature of bent polytypic GaAs-InGaAs core-shell nanowires
Al Humaidi, M.; Feigl, L.; Jakob, J. B.; Schroth, P.; AlHassan, A.; Davtyan, A.; Herranz, J.; Anjum, T.; Novikov, D.; Francoual, S.; Geelhaar, L.; Baumbach, T.; Pietsch, U.
2022. Nanotechnology, 33 (1), Art.Nr. 015601. doi:10.1088/1361-6528/ac29d8Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Exploiting flux shadowing for strain and bending engineering in core - shell nanowires
Al-Humaidi, M.; Jakob, J.; Al Hassan, A.; Davtyan, A.; Schroth, P.; Feigl, L.; Herranz, J.; Novikov, D.; Geelhaar, L.; Pietsch, U.; Baumbach, T.
2022. Nanoscale, 15 (5), 2254–2261. doi:10.1039/D2NR03279AFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Structure, electrical, and optical properties of reactively sputter-deposited Ta—Al—N thin films
Anğay, F.; Camelio, S.; Eyidi, D.; Krause, B.; Abadias, G.
2022. Journal of Applied Physics, 131 (10), Art.-Nr.: 105303. doi:10.1063/5.0082537
Reaction of Pertechnetate in Highly Alkaline Solution: Synthesis and Characterization of the Nitridotrioxotechnetate Ba[TcON]
Badea, D.; Dardenne, K.; Polly, R.; Rothe, J.; Meerholz, K.; Hanrath, M.; Reimer, M.; Neudörfl, J.; Strub, E.; Bruns, J.
2022. Chemistry – A European Journal, 28 (63), Art.Nr. e202201738. doi:10.1002/chem.202201738Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Measurement and calculation of scattered Synchrotron Radiation processes at the KARA visible light beamline
Batchelor, D. R.; Blomley, E.; Huttel, E.; Hagelstein, M.; Mochihashi, A.; Schuh, M.; Simon, R.
2022. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2380 (1), Art.-Nr.: 012087. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2380/1/012087Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Interface Properties of Perfluorinated Iron Phthalocyanine on Au(111) and Ag(111): The Influence of Iron and the Macrocycle
Belser, A.; Greulich, K.; Nagel, P.; Merz, M.; Schuppler, S.; Chassé, T.; Peisert, H.
2022. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126 (33), 14245–14254. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c02694Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
History-dependent domain and skyrmion formation in 2D van der Waals magnet Fe₃GeTe₂
Birch, M. T.; Powalla, L.; Wintz, S.; Hovorka, O.; Litzius, K.; Loudon, J. C.; Turnbull, L. A.; Nehruji, V.; Son, K.; Bubeck, C.; Rauch, T. G.; Weigand, M.; Goering, E.; Burghard, M.; Schütz, G.
2022. Nature Communications, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 3035. doi:10.1038/s41467-022-30740-7Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Influence of the Side Chain Structure on the Electronic Structure and Self-Organization Properties of Low Band Gap Polymers
Bölke, S.; Batchelor, D.; Früh, A.; Lassalle-Kaiser, B.; Keller, T.; Trilling, F.; Forster, M.; Scherf, U.; Chassé, T.; Peisert, H.
2022. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (12), 15290–15301. doi:10.1021/acsaem.2c02919Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
X-ray spectroscopic study of chemical state in uranium carbides
Butorin, S. M.; Bauters, S.; Amidani, L.; Beck, A.; Weiss, S.; Vitova, T.; Tougait, O.
2022. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 29 (2), 295–302. doi:10.1107/S160057752101314XFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Pu(III) and Cm(III) in the presence of EDTA: aqueous speciation, redox behavior, and the impact of Ca(II)
DiBlasi, N. A.; Tasi, A. G.; Trumm, M.; Schnurr, A.; Gaona, X.; Fellhauer, D.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Reed, D. T.; Hixon, A. E.; Altmaier, M.
2022. RSC Advances, 12 (15), 9478–9493. doi:10.1039/D1RA09010KFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Tofu : a fast, versatile and user-friendly image processing toolkit for computed tomography
Faragó, T.; Gasilov, S.; Emslie, I.; Zuber, M.; Helfen, L.; Vogelgesang, M.; Baumbach, T.
2022. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 29 (3), 916–927. doi:10.1107/S160057752200282XFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Erratum: “Dosimetry on first clinical dark‐field chest radiography" Med Phys 48(10), 6152–6159
Frank, M.; Urban, T.; Willer, K.; Noichl, W.; De Marco, F.; Schick, R.; Gleich, B.; Schegerer, A.; Lechel, U.; Meyer, P.; Mohr, J.; Koehler, T.; Yaroshenko, A.; Maack, I.; Pralow, T.; Proksa, R.; Renger, B.; Noël, P.; Fingerle, A.; Pfeiffer, D.; Rummeny, E.; Herzen, J.; Pfeiffer, F.
2022. Medical Physics, 49 (7), 4933–4934. doi:10.1002/mp.15770
Effect of pulse laser frequency on PLD growth of LuFeO3 explained by kinetic simulations of in-situ diffracted intensities
Gabriel, V.; Kocán, P.; Bauer, S.; Nergis, B.; Rodrigues, A.; Horák, L.; Jin, X.; Schneider, R.; Baumbach, T.; Holý, V.
2022. Scientific Reports, 12 (1), Artkl.Nr.:5647. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-09414-3Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
On the formation of nanocrystalline aluminides during high pressure torsion of Al/Ni alternating foils and post-processing multilayer reaction
Ivanisenko, Y.; Mazilkin, A.; Gallino, I.; Riegler, S. S.; Doyle, S.; Kilmametov, A.; Fabrichnaya, O.; Heilmaier, M.
2022. Journal of alloys and compounds, 905, Art. Nr.: 164201. doi:10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.164201
Unraveling the State of Charge-Dependent Electronic and Ionic Structure–Property Relationships in NCM622 Cells by Multiscale Characterization
Jetybayeva, A.; Schön, N.; Oh, J.; Kim, J.; Kim, H.; Park, G.; Lee, Y.-G.; Eichel, R.-A.; Kleiner, K.; Hausen, F.; Hong, S.
2022. ACS Applied Energy Materials, 5 (2), 1731–1742. doi:10.1021/acsaem.1c03173Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Lattice dynamics of β − FeSi₂ nanorods
Kalt, J.; Sternik, M.; Sergeev, I.; Mikolasek, M.; Bessas, D.; Göttlicher, J.; Krause, B.; Vitova, T.; Steininger, R.; Sikora, O.; Jochym, P. T.; Leupold, O.; Wille, H.-C.; Chumakov, A. I.; Piekarz, P.; Parlinski, K.; Baumbach, T.; Stankov, S.
2022. Physical Review B, 106 (20), Article no: 205411. doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.106.205411
Evolution of flexible biting in hyperdiverse parasitoid wasps
Kamp, T. Van de; Mikó, I.; Staniczek, A. H.; Eggs, B.; Bajerlein, D.; Faragó, T.; Hagelstein, L.; Hamann, E.; Spiecker, R.; Baumbach, T.; Janšta, P.; Krogmann, L.
2022. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 289 (1967), Art.-Nr.: 2021.2086. doi:10.1098/rspb.2021.2086Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Kaznakhtite, Ni 6 Co 3+ 2 (CO 3 )(OH) 16 ⋅4H 2 O, a new natural layered double hydroxide, the member of the hydrotalcite supergroup
Kasatkin, A. V.; Britvin, S. N.; Krzhizhanovskaya, M. G.; Chukanov, N. V.; Škoda, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Belakovskiy, D. I.; Pekov, I. V.; Levitskiy, V. V.
2022. Mineralogical Magazine, 86 (5), 841–848. doi:10.1180/mgm.2022.65
Measurements of L-shell X-ray production cross sections for Sn and Sb using 6–14 keV synchrotron radiation
Kaur, S.; Ayri, V.; Kumar, A.; Czyzycki, M.; Karydas, A. G.; Puri, S.
2022. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 521, 33–37. doi:10.1016/j.nimb.2022.04.010
Interlink between solubility, structure, surface and thermodynamics in the ThO(s, hyd)–HO(l) system
Kiefer, C.; Neill, T.; Cevirim-Papaioannou, N.; Schild, D.; Gaona, X.; Vitova, T.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Altmaier, M.; Geckeis, H.
2022. Frontiers in Chemistry, 10, Art.-Nr.: 1042709. doi:10.3389/fchem.2022.1042709Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Insights into the Electronic Structure of a U(IV) Amido and U(V) Imido Complex
Köhler, L.; Patzschke, M.; Bauters, S.; Vitova, T.; Butorin, S. M.; Kvashnina, K. O.; Schmidt, M.; Stumpf, T.; März, J.
2022. Chemistry - A European Journal, 28 (21), Art.-Nr. e202200119. doi:10.1002/chem.202200119Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
3D in situ study of damage during a ‘shear to tension’ load path change in an aluminium alloy
Kong, X.; Helfen, L.; Hurst, M.; Hänschke, D.; Missoum-Benziane, D.; Besson, J.; Baumbach, T.; Morgeneyer, T. F.
2022. Acta Materialia, 231, Art.-Nr.: 117842. doi:10.1016/j.actamat.2022.117842Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Metastable Iron (Mono)sulfides in the Shallow-Sea Hydrothermal Sediments of Milos, Greece
Kotopoulou, E.; Godelitsas, A.; Göttlicher, J.; Steininger, R.; Price, R.; Fike, D. A.; Amend, J. P.; Gilhooly, W. P., III; Druschell, G.; Nomikou, P.; Gamaletsos, P. N.; Lozios, S.
2022. ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 6 (4), 920–931. doi:10.1021/acsearthspacechem.1c00305
Effect of manganese on the speciation of neptunium(V) on manganese doped magnetites
Kumar, S.; Rothe, J.; Finck, N.; Vitova, T.; Dardenne, K.; Beck, A.; Schild, D.; Geckeis, H.
2022. Colloids and surfaces / A, 635, Article no: 128105. doi:10.1016/j.colsurfa.2021.128105Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Electron-momentum dependence of electron-phonon coupling underlies dramatic phonon renormalization in YNiBC
Kurzhals, P.; Kremer, G.; Jaouen, T.; Nicholson, C. W.; Heid, R.; Nagel, P.; Castellan, J.-P.; Ivanov, A.; Muntwiler, M.; Rumo, M.; Salzmann, B.; Strocov, V. N.; Reznik, D.; Monney, C.; Weber, F.
2022. Nature Communications, 13 (1), Art.-Nr.: 228. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27843-yFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Investigation of Structural and Electronic Changes Induced by Postsynthesis Thermal Treatment of LiNiO
Li, H.; Hua, W.; Schwarz, B.; Etter, M.; Mangold, S.; Melinte, G.; Casati, N. P. M.; Ehrenberg, H.; Indris, S.
2022. Chemistry of Materials, 34 (18), 8163–8177. doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.2c00995Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Ultrahigh surface density of Co-N₂C single-atom-sites for boosting photocatalytic CO₂ reduction to methanol
Ma, M.; Huang, Z.; Doronkin, D. E.; Fa, W.; Rao, Z.; Zou, Y.; Wang, R.; Zhong, Y.; Cao, Y.; Zhang, R.; Zhou, Y.
2022. Applied catalysis / B, 300, Art.-Nr.: 120695. doi:10.1016/j.apcatb.2021.120695Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Scanning high-sensitive x-ray polarization microscopy
Marx-Glowna, B.; Grabiger, B.; Lötzsch, R.; Uschmann, I.; Schmitt, A. T.; Schulze, K. S.; Last, A.; Roth, T.; Antipov, S.; Schlenvoigt, H.-P.; Sergueev, I.; Leupold, O.; Röhlsberger, R.; Paulus, G. G.
2022. New Journal of Physics, 24 (5), 053051. doi:10.1088/1367-2630/ac6e80Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Surface Noble Metal Concentration on Ceria as a Key Descriptor for Efficient Catalytic CO Oxidation
Maurer, F.; Beck, A.; Jelic, J.; Wang, W.; Mangold, S.; Stehle, M.; Wang, D.; Dolcet, P.; Gänzler, A. M.; Kübel, C.; Studt, F.; Casapu, M.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.
2022. ACS catalysis, 12, 2473–2486. doi:10.1021/acscatal.1c04565Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Resonant Inelastic Soft X-ray Scattering and X-ray Emission Spectroscopy of Solid Proline and Proline Solutions
Meyer, F.; Hauschild, D.; Benkert, A.; Blum, M.; Yang, W.; Reinert, F.; Heske, C.; Zharnikov, M.; Weinhardt, L.
2022. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 126 (48), 10185–10193. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcb.2c06557Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
A new species of Bocchus from upper Eocene Rovno amber (Hymenoptera, Dryinidae)
Olmi, M.; Eggs, B.; Capradossi, L.; Kamp, T. van de; Perkovsky, E. E.; Guglielmino, A.; Vasilenko, D. V.
2022. Journal of Hymenoptera Research, 92, 257–272. doi:10.3897/jhr.92.87084
Persistence of the Isotopic Signature of Pentavalent Uranium in Magnetite
Pan, Z.; Roebbert, Y.; Beck, A.; Bartova, B.; Vitova, T.; Weyer, S.; Bernier-Latmani, R.
2022. Environmental Science and Technology, 56 (3), 1753–1762. doi:10.1021/acs.est.1c06865Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Altered Elemental Distribution in Male Rat Brain Tissue as a Predictor of Glioblastoma Multiforme Growth : Studies Using SR-XRF Microscopy
Planeta, K.; Setkowicz, Z.; Czyzycki, M.; Janik-Olchawa, N.; Ryszawy, D.; Janeczko, K.; Simon, R.; Baumbach, T.; Chwiej, J.
2022. International journal of molecular sciences, 23 (2), Article no: 703. doi:10.3390/ijms23020703Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Opportunities and challenges of applying advanced X-ray spectroscopy to actinide and lanthanide N-donor ligand systems
Prüßmann, T.; Nagel, P.; Simonelli, L.; Batchelor, D.; Gordon, R.; Schimmelpfennig, B.; Trumm, M.; Vitova, T.
2022. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 29 (1), 53–66. doi:10.1107/S1600577521012091Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Speciation in nanosecond laser ablation of zinc in water
Reich, S.; Klügl, Y.; Ziefuss, A.; Streubel, R.; Göttlicher, J.; Plech, A.
2022. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 65 (7), Art.Nr. 274205. doi:10.1007/s11433-021-1857-1Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Investigation on the mechanical interface stability of curved high aspect ratio x-ray gratings made by deep x-ray lithography
Richter, M.; Beckenbach, T.; Daerr, H.; Prevrhal, S.; Börner, M.; Gutekunst, J.; Zangi, P.; Last, A.; Korvink, J. G.; Meyer, P.
2022. Journal of Micro/Nanopatterning, Materials, and Metrology, 21 (2), Art.Nr. 024901. doi:10.1117/1.JMM.21.2.024901
Paving the way for examination of coupled redox/solid-liquid interface reactions: 1 ppm Np adsorbed on clay studied by Np M5-edge HR-XANES spectroscopy
Schacherl, B.; Joseph, C.; Lavrova, P.; Beck, A.; Reitz, C. Y.; Prüssmann, T.; Fellhauer, D.; Lee, J.-Y.; Dardenne, K.; Rothe, J.; Geckeis, H.; Vitova, T.
2022. Analytica chimica acta, 1202, Art.Nr.: 339636. doi:10.1016/j.aca.2022.339636Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Implementation of cryogenic tender X-ray HR-XANES spectroscopy at the ACT station of the CAT-ACT beamline at the KIT Light Source
Schacherl, B.; Prüssmann, T.; Dardenne, K.; Hardock, K.; Krepper, V.; Rothe, J.; Vitova, T.; Geckeis, H.
2022. Journal of synchrotron radiation, 29 (1), 80–88. doi:10.1107/S1600577521012650Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Direct Observation of Reactant, Intermediate, and Product Species for Nitrogen Oxide-Selective Catalytic Reduction on Cu-SSZ-13 Using In Situ Soft X-ray Spectroscopy
Seitz, L. C.; Doronkin, D. E.; Hauschild, D.; Casapu, M.; Zengel, D.; Zimina, A.; Kreikemeyer-Lorenzo, D.; Blum, M.; Yang, W.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Heske, C.; Weinhardt, L.
2022. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 126 (49), 20998–21009. doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.2c04736Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Investigation and Suppression of Oxygen Release by LiNiCoMnO Cathode under Overcharge Conditions
Shi, C.-G.; Peng, X.; Dai, P.; Xiao, P.; Zheng, W.-C.; Li, H.-Y.; Li, H.; Indris, S.; Mangold, S.; Hong, Y.-H.; Luo, C.-X.; Shen, C.-H.; Wei, Y.-M.; Huang, L.; Sun, S.-G.
2022. Advanced Energy Materials, 12 (20), Art.-Nr.: 2200569. doi:10.1002/aenm.202200569
Phonon confinement and interface lattice dynamics of ultrathin high-rare earth sesquioxide films: the case of Eu₂O₃ on YSZ(001)
Stankov, S.; Merkel, D. G.; Kalt, J.; Göttlicher, J.; Łażewski, J.; Sternik, M.; Jochym, P. T.; Piekarz, P.; Baumbach, T.; Chumakov, A. I.; Rüffer, R.
2022. Nanoscale advances, 4, 19–25. doi:10.1039/D1NA00728AFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Atomic controllable anchoring of uranium into zirconate pyrochlore with ultrahigh loading capacity
Sun, J.; Zhou, J.; Li, L.; Hu, Z.; Chan, T.-S.; Vitova, T.; Song, S.; Liu, R.; Jing, C.; Yu, H.; Zhang, M.; Rothe, J.; Wang, J.-Q.; Zhang, L.
2022. Chemical Communications, 58 (21), 3469–3472. doi:10.1039/d2cc00576jFull textFull text of the publication as PDF document
In Situ Investigations on Structural Evolutions during the Facile Synthesis of Cubic α-MoC Catalysts
Sun, X.; Yu, J.; Cao, S.; Zimina, A.; Sarma, B. B.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Xu, H.; Li, S.; Liu, Y.; Sun, J.
2022. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 144 (49), 22589–22598. doi:10.1021/jacs.2c08979Full textFull text of the publication as PDF document
Electrospun composites of poly-3-hydroxybutyrate reinforced with conductive fillers for in vivo bone regeneration
Surmenev, R. A.; Ivanov, A. N.; Cecilia, A.; Baumbach, T.; Chernozem, R. V.; Mathur, S.; Surmeneva, M. A.
2022. Open Ceramics, 9, Article no: 100237. doi:10.1016/j.oceram.2022.100237
Continuous Synthesis of Cu/ZnO/Al2O3 Nanoparticles in a Co-precipitation Reaction Using a Silicon Based Microfluidic Reactor
Tofighi, G.; Lichtenberg, H.; Gaur, A.; Wang, W.; Wild, S.; Herrera Delgado, K.; Pitter, S.; Dittmeyer, R.; Grunwaldt, J.-D.; Doronkin, D. E.
2022. Reaction chemistry & engineering, 7 (3), 730–740. doi:10.1039/D1RE00499A