Videos & Audio
Accelerator facilities such as KARA and FLUTE host very diverse communities with different publishing practices. Most communities in the various research fields publish journal articles as the main means of communication. In contrast, the central forum for scientific exchange in the accelerator community are the large conferences and the publication of proceedings articles, especially for the International Conference for Particle Accelerators (IPAC).
For statistics, metrics and indicators choose the KITopen web form Kennzahlen (in english: indicators). Export is in format Excel (.xlsx) in short (only numbers) or in long (numbers and all bibliographic entries such as title, authors, links to journals, etc.; note: wait for file to downlad, it takes some time to produce the Excel file in long format on the server before it is downloaded).
Display indicators 2016 (and onwards) for POF period(s)
IBPT's accelerator R&D in the Helmholtz program Matter and Technologies (MT) program in the topic 1, Accelerator Research & Development (ARD), is registered at KIT for the POF period III until 2020 with the no. 54.01.01 and in POF period IV (2021 to 2027) with the no. 54.11.11.
What does 1st and 2nd order mean?
1st order: the main KIT author is from IBPT and active in the MT-ARD.
2nd order: this includes collaborations, i.e. co-authorship and where facilities of IBPT contributed.
List in short format 1st order or 1st and 2nd order; long format 1st order or 1st and 2nd order.
Tagging in KITopen
In its principal mission, IBPT's Accelerator R&D, communications (publications, reports, teaching materials, bachelor thesis, master thesis, PhD thesis, presentations, videos & audio, posters) are tagged with IBPT_Medien.
The data bank is updated ongoing since the foundation of IBPT in 2016, but may not be complete in single instances.
Extract indicators: short, long.
In its supplementary mission, the IBPT also operates and optimizes the storage ring KARA as a 2.5 GeV synchrotron radiation source, which enables publications in photon science by usage of synchrotron light in beamlines by several other KIT institutes.
For more details see KIT Light Source > Publlications.
Generate cumulated indicators for the IBPT
Dimensions tagged in logic by tag IBPT_Medien OR tag KIT_Light_Source: short list.